Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27th, 2011 Victory for FC Barca

Yes, on the eve of our blog being due I still was in need of another local news story and what a better night to need one than on such a huge victory for FC Barcelona. Just an hour after the end of the game El Periodico already has a rather large photograph of Messi in celebration after one of his goals as the main item on its website's home page. The headline reads "El Barca habla en el campo con dos goles de Messi (0-2)." This was a huge game as Barca clutched a 2-0 win over Madrid in this semifinal Champions League match. This was also a huge game for Messi beyond scoring the sole two goals of the game it also marked him becoming the third highest scorer ever for Barca at the ripe age of twenty-three. I picked this local news story because as I have lived in Barcelona over the last four months I have truly become a fan of futbol and especially the FC Barcelona team, and I mean really how could you not? Barcelona has changed me from an avid anti-soccer fan in America to a futbol jersey wearing avid supporter of all of Barca's games even interrupting out spring break to watch the games at small pubs in the Canaries. Also whether a converted fan, or not a fan at all it is impossible to not notice the vast influence that futbol has on the culture in Barcelona. As the semester winds to a close my friends parents have started showing up in the city to visit and travel some before leaving back to the United States and tonight I went out to dinner with a friend and her parents. As we enjoyed a fine Catalan meal the employees all served our food and then hustled back to huddle around a small T.V. in the front of the restaurant and happily reported scores when we questioned about them. After learning of the victory from our server we saw the effects in the streets of the city as I headed to take the metro back home. Fans clad in Barca attire roamed the streets, bars were cleaning up from the celebrations after the victory, and cars were honking like crazy to what sounded like fireworks being shot off in the distance. I love the enthusiasm that Spain has for their futbol and thought that it has affected most all of our experiences here over the last four months that it was an appropriate topic!

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