Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Jewish Quarter

The Jewish Quarter is a very interesting section of the city as it was the center of Jewish life in the 13th century. Today this quarter houses the main synagogue in Barcelona which almost went unnoticed never to be discovered but luckily was found in the end of the 20th century and restored. This was an important discovery as the synagogue is the largest in Europe and also because there are Roman ruins of their city wall underneath the synagogue as well. The entire area has faint remnants of the Jewish culture and era that once inhabited those streets. Unfortunately the few pictures that I had from the field trip were lost when my memory card was damaged so I discovered some from the internet and have included the links to them as well.

 Here is a picture inside the synagogue on the left and on the right a visitor looking underneath the glass floor at the city walls:

I found it useful to look at where we took our field trip on a map in order to better identify exactly where the synagogue is too in comparison to my known landmarks:
*Compliments of Google Maps*

I thought this field trip was interesting as this section of the city seems to be pretty consistent with how it may have been in years past as if not much has changed. I liked the quaint-ness of the area and have found information about the synagogue and history of the Judaism in Barcelona very interesting!

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