Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hobby #1: Reading

When I encountered the portion of this blog assignment which required the discussion of three of your hobbies or leisure activities in Barcelona, I froze blanking on any sort of hobby that I possibly participate in. Yes, I like going out at night, laying at the beach, traveling but I could hardly consider any of those leisure activities. Then it dawned on me what is permanently attached to my hand or nestled away in a purse or my travel backpack, a book. Whether my earmarks lingers within the last few pages, is plopped in the middle, or hasn't even had the chance to mark a place in a fresh novel I always have that novel with me ready to delve into with any spare second. The adventures and stories in countless books have covered the span of time from me stepping foot onto the Aerobus then earmarked to being flung open immediately upon finding a seat in the terminal or on the plane. The detective workings of the main character Lisabeth Salander in the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" series entertained me from Barcelona to Paris and back again and the lure of the second novel in the series forced me into hunting down a book shop in Rome in order to purchase it. During my spring break in the Canary Islands my eyes scanned over hundreds of pages while I laid on the sandy beaches and worked on my tan. Finally I have noticed that my reading doesn't stop at that in Barcelona. The books find their way to my desk next to my bed in order to squeeze in a few pages before falling asleep at night. Back at home in America my life is crazy and hectic and my schedule is constantly filled to the brim leaving not a spare second to even think about finding a book but here I've had the leisure of indulging in the escapades of many characters and story lines. I love my crazy schedules and hectic life at home because it's filled with people and activities that I love but I can honestly say this is a hobby that I have every intention of bringing back with me even if it's only every once in awhile.

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